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Snacks after Bariatric Surgery

Posted on 30 Aug, 2024
Snacks after Bariatric Surgery

While bariatric surgery (weight loss surgery) is designed to reduce appetite and skew each individual towards a more healthy, balanced, diet, it’s not uncommon to still have cravings for something sweet (or salty) every now and then.

Snacking is generally one of the more challenging habits to give up, and it’s usually one of the major reasons that an individual gains excessive weight. Even the most disciplined bariatric patients struggle with snacking - so if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the need to make these changes, you’re not alone. It’s important to understand the snacks that you should avoid altogether, and the ones that you can safely consume, within reason.

To help you on your weight loss journey, we’ve gathered a comprehensive list of healthy snacks after bariatric surgery that are not only safe to eat, but are flavoursome, tasty, and will satisfy your cravings.

When can you start snacking after bariatric surgery?

To be completely honest, snacks are low on the list when it comes to the types of foods that can be consumed after bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery involves extensive changes to your stomach and digestive system that will take your body a long time to heal before being able to process foods normally. 

The post-bariatric surgery diet will feature 3 main stages, starting with a liquid-only diet in the first 2 weeks, followed by the introduction of pureed/soft foods in week 3-4, and finally, back to regular solid foods. The focus of this diet is to support the healing process of the new digestive system, which is why snacking is usually not recommended until patients are able to have solid foods as a part of the new diet. 

General guidelines for eating snacks after bariatric surgery

It’s okay to have snacks after bariatric surgery (once you’re back on a solid food diet), but it’s important to keep a few things in mind when doing so:

  • Prioritise protein – After bariatric surgery, protein will form a large portion of your daily food intake. Protein provides the energy that your body needs, so it’s essential to make sure that any snacks you have are packed with lots of protein to meet your nutritional needs. Ideally, your body should receive a minimum of 60g to 80g of protein each day.

  • Avoid carbohydrates – Carb-heavy foods are a problem for maintaining weight loss and the right level of nutrition — carbs contain unwanted amounts of calories and take up a lot of space in the stomach that should be reserved for more nutrient-rich food. 

  • Stay hydrated – Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day between full meals.

  • Chew more – Just like when eating meals, chewing more when snacking will help you to eat slowly and reduce the risk of digestive issues. Chew at least 20-30 times before swallowing. 

  • Plan out snacks with meals in mind — The post-surgery diet will require you to carefully measure your food intake to ensure you get the nutrients you need, which means no more snacking on a whim. If you want to snack, you’ll have to account for it alongside your meals when planning out your daily intake.    

Types of high-protein snacks you can have

There are still plenty of healthy snacks that you can have after bariatric surgery!

For crunchy bites

Roasted chickpeas – Chickpeas are packed with protein and fibre — place them on a tray and roast them for a couple of minutes to turn them into a crunchy and satisfying snack.

Edamame – Steamed edamame is a natural snack that has a firm pop and crunch while being rich in protein.

For sweet treats

Greek yogurt – High in protein and low in sugar, a cup of Greek yogurt is perfect for satisfying a sweet craving, especially when paired with fresh berries or fruits.

Cottage cheese – Like yoghurt, cottage cheese is a great source of protein and can also be combined with fruit for a sweet snack.

For savoury snacks

Beef jerky – A portable, protein-packed snack, beef jerky is a great choice for bariatric patients. Just remember to chew thoroughly!

Cheese sticks or slices – Soft cheese (preferably the low-fat variety) is a savoury option for a snack that still contributes to protein intake.

Snacks to avoid after bariatric surgery

Some snacks are completely unsuitable for consumption after bariatric surgery, and can even cause dangerous complications if eaten. Steer clear of snacks such as:

Sugary foods

Candy, sweets, and soft drinks are high in sugar and should be avoided at all costs. Eating sugary foods like these can lead to excessive calorie intake, which defeats the purpose of weight loss surgery. Sugar consumption can also cause dumping syndrome, where affected individuals experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, diarrhoea, and dizziness.

High-Fat snacks

Fried foods like potato chips and fries are packed with unhealthy fats and calories, which are not only difficult to digest, but also contribute to weight gain. The greasy nature of these foods can also lead to some discomfort. 

High-carb snacks

White bread and biscuits have high carbohydrate content that can spike blood sugar levels while providing little nutritional value — consuming these can contribute to weight gain and poor blood sugar control.