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Can Your Stomach Stretch After Gastric Sleeve?

Posted on 28 Nov, 2021
Bariatric surgery is a lifeline for severely obese patients who feel they have tried and tested every diet and exercise regime on the market. The invasive operation will effectively limit the number of calories you can consume comfortably, helping you maintain a healthy, nutrient-rich diet and reduce the risk of weight-related health issues. 

Gastric Sleeve Side Effects

Posted on 25 Oct, 2021
After the partial removal of your stomach, the remainder is closed with staples. Undergoing this bariatric surgery is permanent and will limit the amount of food you can eat as your stomach is smaller, and you will feel full quicker. Not only will eating less help you lose weight, but by removing most of the stomach, there is a significant reduction in the Grehlin hormone, which is responsible for stimulating hunger. You will therefore feel more satiated between meals.

How Is the Stomach Removed in Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Posted on 22 Aug, 2021
A gastric sleeve operation limits the amount of food you need to eat to feel full. The procedure is completed with the patient under a general anaesthetic, and individuals who undergo gastric sleeve surgery can generally return to normal levels of activity within a few weeks. The operation does not involve the placement of any foreign material like a gastric band and is irreversible.