Type 2 diabetes is a serious health condition that requires lifelong management – however, it is possible for those with type 2 diabetes to reverse symptoms and reduce the severity of the condition, through healthy and sustained weight loss.
While there is no cure for type 2 diabetes, losing weight can be an essential part of managing, preventing, and even reversing type 2 diabetes symptoms. Within this article, we’re going to provide context around the causes of type 2 diabetes, how the condition can be prevented through weight loss, and how those with type 2 diabetes can benefit from healthy weight loss.
What causes type 2 diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes is a condition caused by the body’s inability to regulate and use sugar as fuel. When a person consumes glucose (sugar), insulin is released to metabolise the glucose. If insulin is not properly released (known as insulin resistance), the glucose cannot be broken down and instead, circulates throughout the blood, leading to high blood sugar. This is what happens for those who have type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes is the result of the cells, muscle, fat, and liver becoming resistant to insulin; or from the pancreas not making enough insulin to metabolise sugar. The causes of these issues are often linked to family history and lifestyle.
- Family history of type 2 diabetes: While there is no clear pattern of how type 2 diabetes is passed through genetics, a 2015 study by Lund University Diabetes Centre has identified over 120 DNA variations associated with type 2 diabetes. While this means that there is a strong link between type 2 diabetes and family history, not everyone with a family history of type 2 diabetes will develop the condition.
- Lifestyle: When it comes to type 2 diabetes, lifestyle factors play a large part in the condition developing– particularly nutrition and activity. Having a poor diet and being inactive often leads to being overweight, which is heavily associated with insulin resistance and increases the risk of diabetes.
Unlike type 1 diabetes, it’s not common to be born with type 2 diabetes. Someone may be genetically predisposed, but if someone has a family history of type 2 diabetes, it can be difficult to know whether its caused by genetics or lifestyle factors – often, the latter is influenced by the former.
Can weight loss reverse type 2 diabetes?
Yes - it has been proven that weight loss can alleviate and even reverse type 2 diabetes for some patients.
Weight loss through lifestyle changes or weight loss surgery, can help to reverse type 2 diabetes symptoms – relieving people from the health concerns that come with diabetes like heart disease, kidney problems, and nerve damage. In saying this, reversing type 2 diabetes does not mean that someone has been effectively cured. Type 2 diabetes is an ongoing condition, which means that there is always a chance symptoms will return.
Losing weight and keeping it off gives individuals the best chance to reverse type 2 diabetes in the long run. A 2020 study of 9,710 type 2 diabetes patients by the American Medical Association found that after 1 year of weight loss surgery, 59.2% of patients went into remission of type 2 diabetes, and within 5 years post weight loss surgery, that number increased to 86.1% of patients.
Can weight loss prevent type 2 diabetes?
For those who are overweight, obese, and suffer from comorbid health conditions, weight loss is proven to prevent type 2 diabetes. When there is excess weight around the waist, extra fat can build up around organs, like the liver and pancreas – causing insulin resistance. Losing weight can lead to the production of more insulin in the body and/or help the insulin injected to work properly. When the body is able to correctly respond to insulin, blood glucose levels will generally return to normal levels and can prevent type 2 diabetes symptoms.
For those who suffer from obesity, a study by the National Diabetes Services Scheme has found that losing 5% to 10% of body weight is the most effective amount to prevent and manage type 2 diabetes symptoms. While weight loss can seem overwhelming, taking small steps, like increasing daily movement and introducing a balanced diet, can have a big impact. However, for those who are unable to sustain weight loss or have found weight loss efforts unsuccessful, weight loss surgery like gastric sleeve or bypass are proven to be effective in achieving weight loss for the prevention and alleviation of type 2 diabetes.
Weight loss surgery like a gastric sleeve or bypass will reduce the size of the stomach – making individuals feel full quickly and consume less calories, leading to weight loss. Preventing type 2 diabetes through weight loss surgery has been proven effective in helping the body produce and use insulin - in some cases, within just a few days of surgery!
Can subsequent weight-gain cause type 2 diabetes to return?
Yes. Type 2 diabetes is an ongoing condition that can be reversed and prevented through weight loss – on the other hand, symptoms can be onset by weight gain. Excess weight in individuals with predisposed type 2 diabetes negatively affects how insulin is released and responded to in the body – leading to type 2 diabetes related health concerns.
Individuals who have previously lost weight and reversed or prevented type 2 diabetes are still at risk of symptoms returning if they regain subsequent weight. Losing weight and keeping it off will help individuals combat type 2 diabetes symptoms, leading to a longer and healthier life.